How to care for your pets in the event of a Hurricane

For people without pets this isn’t an issue. But, if you are a pet owner like myself, then you will want to have a plan for how to care for and protect your animals in the event of a storm. Most hurricane shelters will not allow pets, and if you are planning on evacuating via an evacuation route, you will want to think about how you will transport your pets and what supplies you will need for them.


The first thing you will want to do is map out an escape route for your family. In the event you have to evacuate your area, you will want to know where you have to go. This is crucial in deciding what provisions and supplies you will need to prepare for your trip.


Most experts recommend that you have a specific pet emergency kit ready along side of your own emergency kit. This kit should include basic things such as food, water, and medications, vaccination records, records of ownership, waste clean up supplies, leashes or collars, etc. There is a guide here that has a detailed list of supplies you may need:


You will also want to double check that any microchip information has been updated. A lot of pets are lost or escape during storms. So, if your pet is found by a local shelter or a person who takes them to a vet or shelter, you will want to make sure you can be contacted.


You may also want to have a recent picture of your pet on hand. If your pet is separated from you or lost, you will want to be able to make flyers or post the picture in shelters to give yourself a better chance of finding your pet.


If you are evacuating and not planning on staying in a shelter or with a family member, make a list of pet friendly hotels. You will want to make sure you have a list of hotels and not just go  to the first hotel you come across. Chances are that a lot of people are going to be evacuating your area, so a lot of hotels around an evacuation zone are likely to be full. So, you may find yourself stopping at a few different locations before you can settle in.


Pets are an integral part of the family. Don’t overlook them in your hurricane preparation planning.


Until tomorrow!

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