Camping Comfort

Since we have been doing a lot of posts on camping, I thought that it would be a nice idea to talk about camping in comfort. For many people, sleeping on the ground or in a cramped cabin doesn’t sound too appealing. But, with the weather getting cooler and the weeks of prime camping time upon us, many people are looking for new camping accessories or even thinking about camping for the first time.

If you are hesitant to go camping because you feel that it will just result in a bad night’s sleep or just be uncomfortable for you, you may want to look into a portable air mattress.

If you are older or have an injury– or you just don’t like the idea of sleeping on the ground, an air mattress may be the perfect solution for you. Air mattresses are great for camping because because they can fit into most tents, are great for cabins which usually have extremely uncomfortable bunks, and they are easily portable and simple to “assemble.”

Now, you may already have an air mattress at home. If you are looking into buying an air mattress for camping, you may want to get one that is on the larger side so that it can be used for guests. This one has really good ratings and is a decent size so that you don’t have to just use it for camping trips.


Let us know some of your tips for camping in comfort!




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